Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Siding and my crystal ball.

Well we are just about complete with all our siding upgrades. We have significantly upgraded the weather tightness of our house by adding sheathing under all our siding. We also upgraded some of the insulation on the south side of the house as well. This combined with the work done for us by TCSP earlier this summer really has us excited about our energy bills this winter. I am kind of amazed that I am saying that.
Around here we believe in a coming energy crunch. I am sure that at some point soon oil will be less available at anything near the prices we have gotten used to. The truth is that on a pure energy per dollar basis it looks like we will be unlikely to see anything else come along that is even remotely close to oil.
So what to do? First and foremost we as individuals need to cut our demand while we still have the resources to invest in the changes necessary. If we are still overly dependent on oil when it begins to get scarce most of us will be too busy looking for extra shifts to make energy upgrades around the home front. If we wait untill it is painfull to continue we will have missed our opportunity to make a significant change in our fortunes. Like in personal finance the time to start saving is before you need it. Once you are up against the wall it is too late to look for places to cut back. Also like in personal finnance reducing your investments made during a time of plenty will pay you back many times when things get tight. So my advice to my readers is simple, find ways to cut back on your energy usage now before you have to.



Mr. H. said...

I think your crystal ball is right and oil prices will continue to go up into the forseable future. I hope people do brace for this because like you said it's going to come down hard on everyone, and soon. All the warnings are there.

Good job on the upgrades, my parents are having the same thing done to their house.

Frustrated Farmer Rick said...

I find myself alarmed by the future oil shortage and if I am not careful I can let myself go into full Mad Max style delusions. I don't really expect that. I think it will be more of a long slow squeeze that makes life harder where oil is concerned. Either way the insulation will pay itself back at some point, the only real question is when.