Sunday, July 8, 2007

Time spent VS cash saved

I purchased a new string trimmer today. I bought a nice 4 cycle unit. I used the unit to trim back the overgrown mess that was the garden. It worked like a charm. I was hoping to use it for cutting straw for use as chicken bedding this winter, but it tends to chop the grass up to much. I guess I will have to consider forging myself a scythe blade this fall.
It got me thinking though about the amazing amount of labor that is required here on the farmlet. I have begun to realize that the biggest limit on this endeavor is both my ability and the amount of hours I can dedicate to it. To that end I am looking at the way I spend my time here. I hope to be able to identify areas that may be worth an investment in better equipment.
On another note we finally got some rain today. Only about 2 tenths of an inch, but every bit helps right now.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The food movement

Today I saw part of a show called endless feast. It was great. I didn't see the whole episode but what I did see impressed me. It looked like some hospitality group had arranged for a dinner to be prepared on a local farm by local chefs. The episode I saw involved local free range goat and organic vegetable mixed with a fresh seafood stew. Most of the food was prepared on the farm and served there as well. I also like the idea of hosting a big dinner for family and friends at the end of a growing season. I have been kicking around an idea like this for a few months. I may yet announce an Autumn fest this year. More likely though I won't do anything like this till next year. Let me know what you all think about the idea.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Berry delightfull fourth of July

Well today was a holiday so all we did was butcher chickens,spray weeds and cook. We took the time to enjoy a great grilled lunch and dinner. For desert I made a sauce of wild black raspberries and goose berries, which we had over iced cream and chocolate. Not a bad day at all.
We also got some rain today and the grass looks like it needs to be cut.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Last weeks recap.

Well things have gone pretty well here at the farm. The chickens are staying in their new enclosure. They seem to be the stars of this page so I am including another picture. Jess and I went to the town fair last weekend and had a look at the local chickens. For some reason black Araucanas seem to be popular in Cannon Falls right now. We also had a look through the FFA and 4H exhibits. I only saw 2 wines that were entered and no beers. I may have to enter something next year if I can figure out how.
Otherwise the hops and straw making are going well. I seem to be having a problem with my Rhubarb this year, but have hope. The raspberries transplants are still doing well. The garden has kind of run away on me though. Oh well.

Monday, June 25, 2007


Well I was right the rain seems to have everything off to a running start. The tomatoes are coming along nicely. I spent quite a bit of time chopping down the weeds yesterday.
This weekend a friend came down and we brewed up a batch of Northern Brewers Cream Ale. I also racked and tasted the dandelion wine. I may be a bit more like dandelion vodka than wine.
I also finally got some fishing done down at the river.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy solstice

Well it is the longest day of the year tomorrow. We don't have any big plans here at the farm. It has been kinda off and on rainy the last few evenings. The rains seem to have emboldened the weeds. So while quickly weeding the garden I came up with a bucket of chicken treats. I have to be a bit more careful though, I noticed that some nightshade had gotten into the weed bucket. I don't really know if it is dangerous to the chickens but figured I should remove it just in case.
Otherwise not much has changed. I am still impressed by the speed that the hops are growing. So far the tomatoes look to be doing well. I need to keep working on the garden. I will have to work on that this weekend.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Another chicken setback

Well today Cooper finally killed one of the chickens. I could see it coming. I made a mistake and purchased the wrong sort of electric netting and the chickens were walking through it at times. It was mostly my fault. For his efforts however Cooper received a strongly worded letter from our legal department and I think he will be less likely to offend again. What really upset me though was that Cooper didn't listen to commands. I will have to spend more time with him and teach him to follow direction if he is to remain at the farm. He is a headstrong animal and has been the source of many gray beard hairs. Ah well i should get to bed.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Mayhem in the hen house.

We had a bit of a setback with the chickens last night. A few of our chickens turned canibal last night. My chicken book says it could be damn near anything from crowding to overheating. It seems that just the meat birds got pecked but it was pretty bad. We moved them into the chicken tractor for the evening to protect them.
On a bright note, the township mowed the ditches. I raked up the cuttings and let them dry in the sun. I doubled the amount of straw in the shed in one day. One more time and I might have enough chicken bedding for the winter.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Electric fence

Well today i noticed that something had been chewing on the as yet un-electrified, electric fence around the chickens. Well I repaired the fence and hooked up the charger. I called Cooper over to the fence and he tested it for me. I can't be sure he was the animal that chewed on it, but I think he will not chew on it from now on. With fence in operation i figured we could let the chickens out into the yard for a bit. Jess and i had to herd them back in this evening but otherwise I think it was a success.
I also received my new hammock this afternoon. I love hammocks. Jess and I disagree on the necessity of spreader bars. I chose a giant nylon hammock without one. I got an hour nap in this afternoon in it. I am very happy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Garden Work

Well today I planted out some small sickly plants that I had started from seed this spring. I had been hardening them off on the deck and they were constantly getting dry. (It is just a tad bit windy here!!) I also got a good watering done on the garden. The new raspberries are still going strong. I am thinking about adding a Mulberry bush or two as well. Still need to finish the outdoor run for the chickens .