Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Smeltfest recap

I got back from my annual spring camping and fishing trip known as smeltfest. We finally got a few smelt on Friday night. The surf was amazing on superior that night. It was as big as I have ever seen on lake superior and the biggest I had seen since my Navy days in the Pacific ocean. It was stupid and dangerous and just the sort of thing a man needs to do from time to time. We went back on Saturday night and caught a 2 dozen more. We went back to camp that night and made smelt scampi. It was great. Now I know it has only taken 6 years to catch smelt but that made them taste all the better.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Sorry about the lack of posts recently. I have been waiting for the cold weather to move off. I got a few seeds planted last week but I am concerned that the cold weather may have spelled their doom. I guess that patience and hope must be the course of action for now. I am still working on a number of small projects. I need to finish the garage painting this spring. I probably shouldn't have let it sit primed all winter without a top coat, but you can only do what you can do. I also really need to tackle the repairs to the lean too section of the house in earnest this year. But for this weekend it is the annual smelt fishing and camping extravaganza known as Smeltfest. I will write when I get back next Monday.

Take care and wish me luck,

Saturday, April 26, 2008


So it was near 80 last week.
It snowed last night.
I have nothing left to say.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hop trellis and more

Today we had the first 70 degree day in over 6 months. We made good use of the day too. I got the hop trellis up with Jess's help. I also transplanted some day lilies from the day lily bed into the ditch by the gutters. I have seen this done at other farms. The day lilies out compete the grass and you don't have to mow that area then. Just cut as close as you like to keep the lilies chopped back. I also planted the shallots, the runner beans, some beets and some white icicle radishes. I also managed a small update of the blog to match the season.


Time to get my chits together.

I have been chitting my potatoes this week. It basically consists of setting them out on egg crate and letting the eyes sprout. I have to interrupt myself here in case you are reading this as if I know what I am talking about. This is the first time I have attempted to grow potatoes so take what I say in that light. I have been trying to figure out where I was going to plant my spuds this year. I found an article yesterday that implied using rubbermaid garbage cans to grow them. I have heard of using barrels before so this seemed like a good idea. I have decided to try that method and plan to pick up 4 trash cans Monday on the way home from work.
Yesterday Jess and I went out to an earthday event at the Midtown global market. We came a crossed a number of great booths and people. There were a number of local and organic food producers there. The best piece of info we picked up was that the Thousand Hills Cattle Company based in Cannon Falls sells there products locally. This will be a great boon when we need local grass fed beef this fall. There was also a few advocacy groups for alt energy and the like. We had a good time.
On the farm we are starting to see the growth of lots of things. The Rhubarb and garlic ar coming along nicely. The chives as always can not be slowed much less stopped. The hops and raspberries are also sending up shoots. I also overwintered a few flowers that apear to have survived the winter.

Spring may finally be here.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Well I think I have solved the problem with the network connection for now. So much is starting it is hard to cover it all. I have started working the beds in the garden. Mostly just turning and amending them to get them ready. I will need to get moving as spring appears to finally be on course.
I did get the chance to sneak away last weekend and do some trout fishing over in Northfield and by Sogn. My friend and I didn't catch anything but a bad day fishing still makes for a good day. We also stopped into a little place in Northfield called the Contented Cow. I like their beer selection and atmosphere. They have room to improve on their food. But over all a great time was had.
I have continued my interest in finding solutions to remove some of our fuel dependency. I hope to find a way to cut our BTU usage in the next year by about half. I am also amazing for a 20% reduction in outside energy used as well. One area I am looking into is a repair to the lean too section of the house while integrating some passive solar technology and also beefing up our insulation.
I know this seems like an awful lot to take on while attempting to grow and store our own food for at least a month. I am still planning to meet that goal as well.
When I get a chance I will be reading up on my fly fishing and energy technologies as well.

Stay busy, I know I will.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sorry All

Sorry all about the lack of posts lately. We have been having some issues with our connection. I think it was the result of pilling up too many security apps.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Power Tools Rule !

Hey all,
It was a great weekend. I got so much done. I cleaned out the coop. Jess and I bib a bit of shopping. I baked my first batch of shortbread. We had a breakfast today of prosciutto wrapped chevre. I removed an annoying detail over the sink in the kitchen. I cleaned out the garage. But most importantly I purchased a small tiller attachment for my weed whip. I got the chance to use it a bit to prep some of the beds in the garden and I am already very impressed. It is heavy and uses gas, so not totally green but man did it allow me to turn the beds well. I already look forward to turning the beds again with it. I have never had a tiller so I don't have a good frame of reference but I am impressed. I hope to possibly plant peas this week.
In other news the seedlings seem to be coming along nicely